مرحباً. أنا قالب الإبداع بتصميمي الشبكي، أعرض محتواك بأبهى حلة وأناقة ستجدني بمدونة عرب ويب معرب وجاهز للعمل، في إنتظارك!


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Party Photography

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بريد إلكتروني *

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Trendiest Photography in DSLR Style

Trendiest Photography in DSLR Style
Trendiest Photography in DSLR Style becoming trendy for all girls who want to be on the magazine cover and billboard...


اخر المواضيع

Take By : Mohammad ‏‎Mekhamer

 One of the most beautiful pictures taken ..
Captured with a lens:  Mohammad ‏‎Mekhamer

It is grandpa’s Camera since 1960 S ..
My Grandpa took Many photos by It
Take in 2016
Take by Mohammad Harb in 2017

That camera is very rare now and there is not much of it and its price is expensive ..
Take by Mohammad Harb

This mosque next to my old house in Ezbet al-Nakhl opposite the metro station .. was one of the first shots taken in my life
I was standing a few meters from the mosque and took it ..

Take by Mohammad Harb

I was on my holiday and went to Alexandria in Egypt
And I was sitting in front of the sea at sunset .. The scenery was even more amazing than the picture
As usual I did not miss that opportunity and met that picture

Take By Mohammad Harb

 This picture is one of the parks in the city of 6th of October ..Harm City 
I sat in that park a week ago and wanted to take a picture of that wonderful scene that was in front of me. 
Take By Mohammad Harb

This Photo take in the winter 2016 for old bulid in Roxy - egypt 
Mohammed was in Roxy at that time and loved the beauty of the scene so he did not want to leave
the place without taking the picture taken by his phone

Take By Mohammad Harb
The quality of the camera phone is 8 M 
and the Edit helped in the beauty of the picture 

هذا النص الغبي ، غير مقصود لقرائته . وفقا لذلك فمن الصعب معرفة متى وأين نهايته ، لكن حتى ذلك . فإن هذا النص الغبي ، ليس مقصود لقرائته . نقطة رجوع لسطر مدونة عرب ويب ترحب بك